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Planning Board Minutes-Zoning Hearing Sept. 28, 2009

Public Hearing
Zoning Article
September 28, 2009

I.      Call to Order

        Chairman Philip Lindquist called the public hearing to order at 8 p.m. and notified all present that the meeting was being tape recorded and filed.

        Members present: Philip Lindquist, Chairman; Richard Flynn, Clerk; David Nagle, Member; Kenneth Lawson, Member.  Members absent: Joan DiLillo, Vice Chairman.

        Clerk Richard Flynn read the public hearing notice published in The Hanson Express on September 10 and 17, 2009.

II.     Presentation of Zoning Article

        Mr. Flynn, who is also a member of the Zoning Bylaw Committee, made the presentation.  He told the approximately 16 people in attendance that an increase in the depth of the business district on Liberty Street was being proposed from East Washington Street to Winter Street.  The depth is currently 225 feet.  The depth proposed is 800 feet.  The article which is to go before voters at the October 5, 2009 special town meeting also includes an expansion of the district to the westerly side of Winter Street on Liberty Street.  Mr. Flynn said the change was being proposed to give existing small businesses a chance to expand and give some flexibility to the use of a few additional lots.  All property owners, he said, would still have to bring any plans for expansion before the Zoning Board of Appeals.

III.    Questions from abutters

        None of the abutting towns or agencies required to be notified by state law were represented at the hearing.

IV.     Questions from public

        Rob VanMeter of 64 Winter Street asked who had decided to expand the district and was told it was the decision of the Zoning Bylaw Committee.  Diane VanMeter of the same address expressed concern that a Walgreen’s could appear on her corner.

        Steve Regan of 30 Alden Way noted that there are plenty of empty businesses in town.  He said an effort should be made to make them more viable.

        Selectmen Donald Howard of 860 Winter Street questioned expanding the district to the other corner of Liberty Street because it would impact the Nathaniel Thomas Mill and the Town Hall.  Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said that the article could be amended on the floor of town meeting to delete the property on that side of Liberty Street from the proposal.

        David Fitch of 27 Thayer Drive asked if the proposed change would allow the developer of Stonebridge Commons to change Phase 3 of the project into a business.  He said expansion of the district would encourage people to bring in large business.  He favored an increase in depth of 100 to 200 feet rather than 800 feet..

        Speaking in favor of the proposal were Justine and Phil Huntley of 33 Winter Street who own property on the other wide on Winter Street noting that it is hard to rent as residential property due to its proximity to the street.  They also said that businesses need space for landscaping in the front and dumpsters in the rear.
V.      Questions/Comments from other Town Boards/Departments

        There were no questions or comments from other town boards or departments.

VI.     Questions from Planning Board Members

        David Nagle noted that the Zoning Bylaw Committee, of which is a member, had been working for almost a year on the article with considerable discussion.  He said that opinions were divided on the inclusion of the land on the opposite side of Winter Street.

        Kenneth Lawson said that the proposal was not set in stone and only intended to help the town in the future.

        Chairman Philip Lindquist said that he did not like the idea of expanding the district to the other side of Winter Street due to its impact on the scenic pond and mill.  He said that the proposal needed more study and that future plans should include a wetlands line.

VII.    Findings

        Richard Flynn made a motion to recommend the article to voters at town meeting but his motion received no second.

        Motion to close the hearing: Richard Flynn
        Second: Kenneth Lawson
        Vote: 4-0

VIII.   Adjournment

        Motion to adjourn: Richard Flynn
        Second: Kenneth Lawson
        Vote: 4-0